When i first created a triangle using the Bavarian Crochet Stitch, i have thought of making bunting out of any number of them, so i started the project… I have made them out of bright colours, and contrasting ones just the same, because that was what fitted in with the mood of the day and with the yarn that i had available. You can MAKE YOUR OWN as i have written a pattern for the bunting also.
I have then made a smaller sized bunting both in length and size of triangles. This one i have made in blue, red and white, in union jack colours, for which you can purchase the pattern HERE.
To go with the patterns, i have filmed a selection of short videos that explain each different variation of the bavarian crochet stitch and which also show you how i change colour when working with this particular stitch. Let me know how you found these, but as a rule of thumb, please pay attention more to what i am doing, rather than what i am saying in these, as i do sometimes get my words muddled up… 🙂

In the process of making the bunting another idea sprung to mind – to create a Merkaba star which is also called Stellated Octahedron. As it happened i have actually finished the Crochet Stellated Octahedron before i crochet the pieces together into the bunting above.
You can also see a video of the two interlocked tetrahedron made of Bavarian Crochet Triangles here. Alternatively watch below for the same short video: