Initially, today is about knitting. More in detail: Knitted dishcloths tradition passed on from one family to another.
Obviously, I love creativity. Creativity is my passion! If you are a first time reader – it is true. If you know this about me already as a consequence of being a fan of my blog: Thank You! For coming back and sticking with me, reading my meanderings about my creative endeavours. Always, Thank You for being patient when i repeat myself…
In fact, today i would like to talk about knitting squares. Yes. Knitting indeed! Not crochet. Knitting! If you know me, and are interested to read me distinguish between the two, and how i use each craft at different times for different reasons, feel free to read HERE, one of my earlier BLOG POSTS titled “Venerable Vocations“.
Right now, however it is story time.
We have an informal family tradition in my in-law’s family. Whatever happens, each year at Christmas, we would get a hand knitted dishcloth from nanny. Each household would always get one, and we were always pleased with this gift. Since nanny died quite a few years back, my sister in law had picked up the tradition.
So we still get a hand knitted dishcloth every year, and the memory is all the sweeter. It only just hit me this year. In the context of loosing my own nan.
And i waited no longer!
You will all know, that i can only knit for so long. This is why dishcloths (and HATS and HATS and HATS) are the perfect size knitting project for ME! I decided to pass this lovely tradition to my side of family. After this realisation, i got right to it! I knitted. And then i knitted. And then i knitted some more.
The Pattern:
The pattern choice was obvious for me. A long time ago i have been taught a very simple, corner to corner pattern. Over the years, i have found this my main Go To pattern, because it is So Easy to remember. Especially when you have not done it in a long while, which i have found on YouTube HERE:
Feel free to comment, and admire my own versions of the above cotton dishcloths here:

Thank You for reading!