ultraviolet unicorn

To see the proper development and to trace the actual story of these blankets, and if you really truly feel like reading a few more blog posts… Read first HERE in Phenomenological Pondering, then HERE in Utilitarian Utopia.

When I sold the first blanket, i had great interest and people ordered more. Two more. Maybe three. I cannot remember this fact exactly, as it was over a year ago that that happened. Sometimes it is difficult to remember yesterday….

Full disclosure: I am writing this post last minute (well a week before it is out – which is super last minute for me). My initial plan was to have the fourth finished and photographed before the story came out, so it all came together.

Then i got stuck. Don’t know why or how. What i know for certain is that i did. Get stuck. Perhaps i was trying to do too much. Maybe even, i was trying to rush. Consequently my motivation spooked like a wild animal and has gone running for the woods. I do not know. It is nor extremely important that i figure out why my crochet speed with these blankets has dwindled.

This does mean you can be assured that there is another rainbow beauty nearly finished.

Keep your eyes peeled!

When you look at inspiration for these blankets, which is IAN CHADWICK GLASS it is pretty obvious the link is PATTERN. Chevrons! Bright colours, also. Our work is very similar in the way we use our artistic process to process thoughts and feelings and emotions, always.

Leading my mind to consider word phrases such as: glass in fabric, fabric of glass, fabric of our experiences…

How everything is a chain and leads to something else, how life sometimes just develops that way, life gives you that which you most need, even if it might not be that which you most want.

Unexpected realisation

Truthfully, i am unsure what you will be more interested in finding out, dear reader. The technical structuring and development of my rainbow collection – or the ponderings of the maker about all things fabric.

After all, i think i let you decide in the comments section below. I will look forward to hearing from you all!

In the end, i feel grief. After finishing a big exciting project, such as one of these… I feel i am running towards the finish line when i am nearing the end. Then i feel excitement and adrenalin rushes which understandably then falls after it is all finished. After the item made it safely to its owner.

That’s all good! Natural, even.

“Once a piece of work is made, it is none of your business what other people think about it.”

Shinead O’Connor

And so, with no further ado:

Introducing three rainbow crochet sisters as completed and delivered to their respective owners in 2021.

Thank You for reading! And don’t forget to leave a comment to answer my question above.


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