quenching qualms

End of October brings Halloween. Start of November brings All Saint’s Day and Guy Fawke’s Night. It also brings Diwali, the festival of lights. But it is not any of these festivals, nor anything crochet related to these i want to talk about today. I do hope, you have had a lovely celebrations of autumn and winter time approaching. Today’s story is about a lovely cardigan. And about sharing a pattern. Also of course about autumn cosiness and hot mugs of cocoa by the fireplace. Well, that’s the romantic vision of autumn, at least. What really happened was this: … Continue reading

rolling raver

Ugly arse blanket and how it really ISN’T! To begin with I was ill. Having to isolate. Being cooped up in our spare bedroom. Making sure that i did not infect the rest of the household. Naturally, i had loads of opportunity to do crochet. What i also had alongside this opportunity was a substantial blocked feeling of not wanting the next thing i make connecting with the ill feeling forever and always reminding me of it… Therefore, at this point i am stuck! In more ways than one. Understandably angry. Feeling frustrated and sad and anxious and all … Continue reading

ultraviolet unicorn

To see the proper development and to trace the actual story of these blankets, and if you really truly feel like reading a few more blog posts… Read first HERE in Phenomenological Pondering, then HERE in Utilitarian Utopia. When I sold the first blanket, i had great interest and people ordered more. Two more. Maybe three. I cannot remember this fact exactly, as it was over a year ago that that happened. Sometimes it is difficult to remember yesterday…. Full disclosure: I am writing this post last minute (well a week before it is out – which is super … Continue reading

venerable valkyrie

In the beginning there was yarn… Let me elaborate on that: In the beginning (of any one of my crochet endeavours) there is yarn. Yarn that consequently leads to colours. Colours that furthermore lead to ideas. Ideas that eventually lead to finished crochet creations. As above, today’s post started with a gift. In particular, Christmas Holidays 2019. You know, before we knew about disease control measures we have all had to find out about and integrate into our lives since… That Christmas, we visited my family. It is true, my mum have always been an avid knitter. A creative … Continue reading

rainbow reverie

Welcome to the world a new baby! When i make blanket for babies, i like to use rainbow colours. Baby crochet blankets are smaller and take less time than my giant crochet thinking projects. Baby blankets are finished quicker, and usually way way before the babies are due, just in case…. Spy my BLANKET page HERE to admire them on the bottom of the page in their own dedicated picture gallery, and if you have been gifted one of my baby blankets, see if you can spot yours amongst the others.* *(If you cannot see your own gift on … Continue reading

industrious inquiry

Blue squares. There is something about the blanket that i want to talk about today, that feels complete. Not just because it is actually finished as a blanket. There is something more. The individual pieces of this blanket were made at various stages as i was learning and relearning crochet stitches. As i started changing my work from my arty farty video installation work and adapting it into something more every day use – you could say crafty farty… I know i keep saying that i do not follow patterns, but at least i try to look at patterns … Continue reading