xenial xylem

February is the shortest month. Yet in our family it is full of celebratory events. Birthdays, anniversaries, you name it, it happens in our family to some member or other, closest or a bit further apart, we have a lot on in February. This post is about a celebratory blanket for a different event. One that happens only once, usually. Earlier in the year, i was super busy feasting my eyes on rainbow yarn, i got a lovely lot of wool from my sister. There was a lot of red and white and some turquoisey coloured yarn. I was … Continue reading

yodelling yoda

Brioche knitted hats. Or: The story of my personal unravelling. No, it is definitely not as dramatic as t/hat. When i am learning new stitches, i definitely am a lot less confident with knitting. When it comes to knitting, as well as in crochet, i am usually happy to leave errors in, without undoing them. Even happier sometimes to leave them than to undo them. However, the error in this case was too great, and the potential repair in situ too impossible to complete, so the whole thing – half a hat – came undone. But, before i continue … Continue reading

travelling tortoise

Crochet is counting. Crochet is Maths. Maths is everywhere and in everything. I have recently been asked to check a statement for my grown up niece when she was applying for a Math teaching degree course: she needed to come up with everyday examples of maths being present, and why she was passionate about teaching it. Since then, i cannot STOP finding more and more examples for her! There are examples of maths in SO many things that we do daily. And what I do daily is crochet – as you may have noticed… When i was completing the … Continue reading

rainbow reverie

Welcome to the world a new baby! When i make blanket for babies, i like to use rainbow colours. Baby crochet blankets are smaller and take less time than my giant crochet thinking projects. Baby blankets are finished quicker, and usually way way before the babies are due, just in case…. Spy my BLANKET page HERE to admire them on the bottom of the page in their own dedicated picture gallery, and if you have been gifted one of my baby blankets, see if you can spot yours amongst the others.* *(If you cannot see your own gift on … Continue reading

barriers breached

braving the barricade – barricaded bravery Usually, I blog when I have some crochet related news.  Today, I have not.  Well, that is not entirely true, I do have a new baby blanket to show cast, but not really, because even though it is finished and ready, it is meant to be a surprise, so broadcasting it here now may kind of lessen the impact of the present received unexpectedly that I am going for.  The person I have made it for, well, two people, both mother and baby, might not read the blog or see the pictures, but … Continue reading

zealous zephyr

Last time I felt compelled to write a blog post, it was summer time, the weather was warm and crochet blankets were the perfect cover for those chilly evenings.. My giant crochet blankets have just been taken for a trip to the beach, and have returned safely and been washed and put away.  I have been working on all sorts of creative crochet projects between then and now, as well as working out ideas for how to explain to you all, what my crochet work is about and how i want to tell each individual project’s story: the significance … Continue reading

venerated vocations

Do knitters crochet and do crocheters knit? i can really only speak for one crocheter, and let you make your own mind up. But, let me assure you, contrary to some opinion: THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!! I have recently attended a talk by the amazing knitnibble.com writer and knitter.  Read my three things to remember HERE.  My arts health interest was expanded to include not only mindful crochet, which I have been doing for myself for even before I have started sharing this with you here, but also mindful knitting. I do also knit, and I have … Continue reading

universal unity

Unanimous Understanding  –  Ultimate Uniqueness I have been meaning to write a post about feminism and where my own particular type of crochet wooliness stands in terms of women and equality.  It has not been coming easy…  Still isn’t.  There is too much to talk about and no clear idea of how to put the complexity into punchy blog post…  Today, however, instead of writing nothing because i am not yet sure how, i would like to say to each and every woman: Thank You to all the women in my life, that made me and make my life … Continue reading

ted talks

Teddy Bear Troductions I am not going to be very wordy with this post…  Thanks sis for asking me to make these, it has been a pleasure and a privilege.  I will have to now re-organised the TEDDY BEARS blog page of this website, so keep an eye on that, for updates… BACK TO BLOG

spirited sweater

Short but sweet, this one, but i really DO want to show off this creation: Can everyone please appreciate my modelling moves as well… Well, what can i say – the rationale for making this jumper was to create something rainbow that i can actually wear…  Because i have been looking at Instagram and just generally looking at pictures of crochet and jumpers and thanks to @bohemianstyle_crochet and their Instagram inspiration, i started convincing myself i do indeed need to make myself a jumper out of crochet (considering how much crochet items i make and how much i love … Continue reading