nurtured necessity

It is cold! Winter appears to be LONG this year. And COLD! When I recently started updating my BLANKETS and WEARABLES pages, I noticed a trend in the photos I took of my crochet creations. I have not been able to blog regularly because of other commitments. That is okay. I have various things pulling on my time and consciousness, mostly for educational and personal development reasons. It’s all good. I am still able to crochet, please do not worry. Just that I am doing it less frequently, because my mind is otherwise engaged. And so are my hands … Continue reading

quenching qualms

End of October brings Halloween. Start of November brings All Saint’s Day and Guy Fawke’s Night. It also brings Diwali, the festival of lights. But it is not any of these festivals, nor anything crochet related to these i want to talk about today. I do hope, you have had a lovely celebrations of autumn and winter time approaching. Today’s story is about a lovely cardigan. And about sharing a pattern. Also of course about autumn cosiness and hot mugs of cocoa by the fireplace. Well, that’s the romantic vision of autumn, at least. What really happened was this: … Continue reading

venerable valkyrie

In the beginning there was yarn… Let me elaborate on that: In the beginning (of any one of my crochet endeavours) there is yarn. Yarn that consequently leads to colours. Colours that furthermore lead to ideas. Ideas that eventually lead to finished crochet creations. As above, today’s post started with a gift. In particular, Christmas Holidays 2019. You know, before we knew about disease control measures we have all had to find out about and integrate into our lives since… That Christmas, we visited my family. It is true, my mum have always been an avid knitter. A creative … Continue reading

spontaneous symmetry

Spontaneous symmetry? Or, as this post should be more accurately called – Arranged Asymmetry. You will see what i mean when you look at the gallery at the end of this post. Anyway, back to beginning. I have a niece who is four (4) years old. She says: “Auntie crochets things for me” and i love that she now sees me that way. She told me the other day: “Auntie, thanks for being my auntie and for crocheting things for me.” My heart melted at this. OF COURSE i will crochet you anything you like, if you ask me … Continue reading

overindulgent optometry

New Year. By this i mean both: The one day in January (New Year – day 1 of 365), the first day of the year, and the new cycle (new year – 365 days dates marked anew). What does it mean? In the majority of the western world, people might be aware of setting out resolutions for improvements in the year ahead, as a way of welcoming the new year… My blog had been about hopes for future last month (resolutions, in a way). In this sense, i have done it backwards (or forwards) compare to tradition, and so, … Continue reading

nautical noel

So, we have made it to December 2020. This month i would like to concentrate on the good this year has brought. There had been a lot of hopeless moments in 2020, for sure. The year 2020 shall be remembered as … dramatic pause … We will see how it is remembered, i cannot possibly predict that, that is for future generations and future historians to determine. Intense? Tense? In a word that has been a lot by the media to describe events: Unprecedented. Today’s post, however, is not going to be concerned too much with the disasters that … Continue reading

lucrative labyrinth

It is October. First Saturday in October 2020, and time for my next monthly blog post. September has been busy with a lot of personal stuff, partially because it happened to be so this year, and partially, perhaps, to keep busy through what is usually the most difficult month of my year, emotionally. September usually means new beginnings, which come with some stress until things settle down again. Not sure why, but coincidentally, i usually start new jobs around this time of year, or various courses, and with this excitement of the new thing, also comes the slight stress … Continue reading

kvelling kvetcher

I am going to kick off with a quote: “The act of sewing is a process of emotional repair.” Louise Bourgeois Normally i would substitute ‘sewing’ for ‘crocheting’ but for this particular post, for what i want to dwell on today, let’s stick with the original quotation, because today, the glove fits, and i shall wear it! I do love sewing. I have spent some time comparing crochet and knitting in one of my blog ramblings before HERE, but i do not think i have ever yet looked at how, why and when i sew for alleviating my struggles, or … Continue reading

hot heads

At the start of 2020 (or pre Corona) i decided to make regular contributions to the blog but was worried i’d have nothing to talk about monthly as blankets take so long to create. I went ahead anyway. Then as i have started writing monthly posts, i was pleasantly surprised not to be short on blog post themes, in fact i am one or three crochet blog posts about completed projects behind, seemingly…. I work on more than two projects at any one time, some small, some big, picking up one or the other as and when, depending whether … Continue reading

frequent flyers

To open this blog post with an understatement: There has been a lot going on recently…   There has been a lot of unforeseen changes and as a result of our current global pandemic, most of us have had to adapt out everyday life in ways we have not experienced or could not predict in our lifetimes.  Thank You!  Thanks to everyone everywhere. Everyone has dealt and keeps dealing with the crisis in the best way that is available to us all at any one time.  We have all done our best, we have all adjusted how we could … Continue reading