zesty zane

The small crochet projects for in between Initially, i was actually considering writing this blog post as a review of the last year. As per usual end of year writing, i was going to compare both the years 2020 and 2021: highs and lows, things learnt, things made, that kind of thing. This here post is, indeed, my last post of 2021, after all… I wanted to make it punchy! But, instead of a review of 2021, i decided to dedicate the last month of the year to the small, seemingly insignificant crochet projects in between: soap holders, shopping … Continue reading

overindulgent optometry

New Year. By this i mean both: The one day in January (New Year – day 1 of 365), the first day of the year, and the new cycle (new year – 365 days dates marked anew). What does it mean? In the majority of the western world, people might be aware of setting out resolutions for improvements in the year ahead, as a way of welcoming the new year… My blog had been about hopes for future last month (resolutions, in a way). In this sense, i have done it backwards (or forwards) compare to tradition, and so, … Continue reading

kvelling kvetcher

I am going to kick off with a quote: “The act of sewing is a process of emotional repair.” Louise Bourgeois Normally i would substitute ‘sewing’ for ‘crocheting’ but for this particular post, for what i want to dwell on today, let’s stick with the original quotation, because today, the glove fits, and i shall wear it! I do love sewing. I have spent some time comparing crochet and knitting in one of my blog ramblings before HERE, but i do not think i have ever yet looked at how, why and when i sew for alleviating my struggles, or … Continue reading