nurtured necessity

It is cold! Winter appears to be LONG this year. And COLD! When I recently started updating my BLANKETS and WEARABLES pages, I noticed a trend in the photos I took of my crochet creations. I have not been able to blog regularly because of other commitments. That is okay. I have various things pulling on my time and consciousness, mostly for educational and personal development reasons. It’s all good. I am still able to crochet, please do not worry. Just that I am doing it less frequently, because my mind is otherwise engaged. And so are my hands … Continue reading

ultraviolet unicorn

To see the proper development and to trace the actual story of these blankets, and if you really truly feel like reading a few more blog posts… Read first HERE in Phenomenological Pondering, then HERE in Utilitarian Utopia. When I sold the first blanket, i had great interest and people ordered more. Two more. Maybe three. I cannot remember this fact exactly, as it was over a year ago that that happened. Sometimes it is difficult to remember yesterday…. Full disclosure: I am writing this post last minute (well a week before it is out – which is super … Continue reading

wuthering wallflower

This month’s make turned out to be a very romantic looking (at least i think so) crochet granny square blanket. I always need an easy not thinking (too much at least) project after i finish a big brain burner, like the #utilitarianutopia HERE. And i had a load of Aran wool i have not used yet – cannot get myself round to using it, not sure why, it seems just too woolly for my taste? (DON’T)… So off i went! Deciding that i will make squares till the crochet yarn runs out, and then put them together. Whatever way … Continue reading

valiant violets

How crochet travels! Crochet in the woods. This month’s post is a continuation of my Crochet on the beach story, which you can read in gloriously full detail HERE: After i took the above blankets to the beach, i wanted to see them in the woods. To see how crochet blankets look in a different location, in a new setting. Maybe, also, to see if crochet in the woods would work at all?! By the time i organized this trip/ art installation, there was 10 blankets made by me in existence, and with a limited space in the car, … Continue reading

utilitarian utopia

A little while back, i made a blanket inspired by a certain glass artist’s work, read more HERE: The crochet blanket worked well enough then, and i was happy with the outcome. More importantly, its recipient was happy with it too, and it has a pride space in our living room now! Since then, i have been looking at more and more of his glass work, in more and more detail. Becoming mesmerized by the pattern, i decided to try again. Make another crochet blanket, based on the more complicated glass bowls that he makes. Not with mohair, as … Continue reading