Bigknit 2014

The big knit which is a collaboration between Age UK and Innocent Smoothie companies asks people to contribute hats knitted or crochet to fit on smoothie bottles which are going to be sold later on, once all the contributions have been made. This project is there to raise money for age UK so they can look after the elderly and make sure they are warm enough in the winter months. Since the older generation have lot to teach us, this project is a great one to get involved in.

And since a lot of crocheters and knitters are of the vulnerable age, it seems only appropriate to give something back to the people who were there for us since we were born. The person who taught me to crochet was my nan and so without her and my mum to encourage me on the way, i may have not had such a fruitful relationship with creativity… Because Flower is a theme that occurs repeatedly in my work, i have designed this FLOWER FAIRY HAT PATTERN which you can DOWNLOAD by clicking the image below to make some great flower hats yourselves and be part of something amazing….

flower fairy bigknit hats for innocent smoothies 800pix HPimage

And plus these hats are so super cute because they are so small, and take next to no time to make, so i will hopefully get loads more of them done by the deadline, which is 7th November 2014. I warn you, there may not be two that are the same… As i have said many times before, pattern following to the dot is not my strong suit and i change and adapt them as i go along….

Checkout the following websites for more details and how to get involved, whether you are crocheting or knitting these cute hats, whether you are making them in one colour or an elaborate design, it is getting involved with the BIG KNIT that counts:

I will be uploading more photos of my flower fair crochet hats as i make them but if you would like to get updates straight away, follow THE CREATIVE HOOK on FACEBOOK, TWITTER or TUMBLER to be kept in the loop.

flower fairy bigknit hats for innocent smoothies 735pix
bigknit flower hats smooties
innocent hats 800pix
flower fairy bigknit hats for innocent smoothies 800pix


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