octagonal optometry

As it turns out, I have another blog post in me for this year.  Another final one, before the year 2022 is finished, and before I leave you all, my lovely readers, to your own devices, and to perhaps catch up on my many a blog posts that you may have missed over the last 4 years.  Oh my, I have just had to check, and I have been writing my regular, monthly blog posts since 2019.  Whilst we are getting sentimental, please indulge me.  I have been writing my blog posts since 2014, which means that 8 years … Continue reading

travelling tortoise

Crochet is counting. Crochet is Maths. Maths is everywhere and in everything. I have recently been asked to check a statement for my grown up niece when she was applying for a Math teaching degree course: she needed to come up with everyday examples of maths being present, and why she was passionate about teaching it. Since then, i cannot STOP finding more and more examples for her! There are examples of maths in SO many things that we do daily. And what I do daily is crochet – as you may have noticed… When i was completing the … Continue reading