lunar loops crochet

Hello All…..

So this is something exciting…. I have had a conversation with a fellow art enthusiast a little while ago, about organizing some crochet workshops in connection to the cycle phases and representation of these in some crochet pieces…  We are both quite excited about getting this going, but, i thought i would get the feel from you, as no workshop is possible without lovely juicy participants….

I have been looking into the cycle phases and the changes that these bring within us for about two or maybe even three years now, as i struggle with the Creative Phase in my own life – and you can see some of my creative work on the subject below….

Creative Phase, where some of us may experience Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, is the time before your blood comes where i tend to feel irritable and unsettled and over-sensitive and like i am between worlds, but working with it over these past years, i think it is important that the great power of this phase is also given credit.

because of PMT being maybe the most talked about part of a cycle, we were thinking that perhaps this may be a good place to start with a taster session which may then develop into working with all four phases and all the different energies that they bring us to utilise…  I have been running a page where i share all sorts of information about the cycle and related topics, so please check it out HERE if you want to be a part of it.

no prior knowledge of crochet is necessary, as it is easy to learn and the simplest stitch can be used to create something of value to yourself…  if you want any more information, or if i have forgotten to mention anything, please CONTACT ME

Look forward to you thoughts on the matter…

collage01 3WD LL KC 735pix

collage02 2WD LL KC 735pix

lunar loops crochet workshop (1)


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2 Responses to lunar loops crochet

  1. Vicky says:

    Love the lines in your ‘Egg’ drawing 🙂