xanthous xyris

I have not made the words in the title up, i promise. They definitely exist and sort of summarise the post too! Feel free to do your own word search, and find out more, if you want to double check my statement. I want to do a post about my actual ART work. When i say art work, i mean for example: painting, drawing, collage, mixed media and other similar types of art work that i tend to make. In this post, i want to talk about what art is to me, art that is not crochet (or sewing). … Continue reading

wuthering wallflower

This month’s make turned out to be a very romantic looking (at least i think so) crochet granny square blanket. I always need an easy not thinking (too much at least) project after i finish a big brain burner, like the #utilitarianutopia HERE. And i had a load of Aran wool i have not used yet – cannot get myself round to using it, not sure why, it seems just too woolly for my taste? (DON’T)… So off i went! Deciding that i will make squares till the crochet yarn runs out, and then put them together. Whatever way … Continue reading

valiant violets

How crochet travels! Crochet in the woods. This month’s post is a continuation of my Crochet on the beach story, which you can read in gloriously full detail HERE: After i took the above blankets to the beach, i wanted to see them in the woods. To see how crochet blankets look in a different location, in a new setting. Maybe, also, to see if crochet in the woods would work at all?! By the time i organized this trip/ art installation, there was 10 blankets made by me in existence, and with a limited space in the car, … Continue reading

utilitarian utopia

A little while back, i made a blanket inspired by a certain glass artist’s work, read more HERE: The crochet blanket worked well enough then, and i was happy with the outcome. More importantly, its recipient was happy with it too, and it has a pride space in our living room now! Since then, i have been looking at more and more of his glass work, in more and more detail. Becoming mesmerized by the pattern, i decided to try again. Make another crochet blanket, based on the more complicated glass bowls that he makes. Not with mohair, as … Continue reading

travelling tortoise

Crochet is counting. Crochet is Maths. Maths is everywhere and in everything. I have recently been asked to check a statement for my grown up niece when she was applying for a Math teaching degree course: she needed to come up with everyday examples of maths being present, and why she was passionate about teaching it. Since then, i cannot STOP finding more and more examples for her! There are examples of maths in SO many things that we do daily. And what I do daily is crochet – as you may have noticed… When i was completing the … Continue reading

spontaneous symmetry

Spontaneous symmetry? Or, as this post should be more accurately called – Arranged Asymmetry. You will see what i mean when you look at the gallery at the end of this post. Anyway, back to beginning. I have a niece who is four (4) years old. She says: “Auntie crochets things for me” and i love that she now sees me that way. She told me the other day: “Auntie, thanks for being my auntie and for crocheting things for me.” My heart melted at this. OF COURSE i will crochet you anything you like, if you ask me … Continue reading

rainbow reverie

Welcome to the world a new baby! When i make blanket for babies, i like to use rainbow colours. Baby crochet blankets are smaller and take less time than my giant crochet thinking projects. Baby blankets are finished quicker, and usually way way before the babies are due, just in case…. Spy my BLANKET page HERE to admire them on the bottom of the page in their own dedicated picture gallery, and if you have been gifted one of my baby blankets, see if you can spot yours amongst the others.* *(If you cannot see your own gift on … Continue reading

yours yarnly

yesterday’s yearnings – yearly yonder The weather in the UK has not been following last year’s anomalous hotness… Am i surprised? Not really. But, when i started thinking about this post a little while ago, it was looking promising, with few days here and there bringing us temperatures warranting light jackets, if any outerwear at all… I nearly put my woolly wonders away, before i realised how perfect they are for this exact time in the year…. Crochet blankets are exactly the perfect spring/ summer outdoorsy attire – for evenings especially in the UK.  Whether you are sitting outside … Continue reading

arc alliance

…when you cannot see forward, to see clearly where you are going; look back at how far you have come… Suppose I should listen to the things I say to others- listen to my own advice sometimes… I have managed a to submit two pieces of work into the exhibition currently (May 2018) at Arts for Recovery in the Community (Arc) in Reddish, where I have been part of the volunteer team few years back, which made me somewhat reflective. My memory crochet blanket (LOOK) is displayed so that the tactile quality comes across really well and apparently visitors … Continue reading